Registration Form

Personal Details

Fields with asterisk (*) sign are mandatory
* Max file size should be with in 10 - 100 KB, File type should be jpg, jpeg, png

Contact Information


Summary of Policy Proposal

* Size 1 MB Max. File type should be pdf only.

Disclaimer:We are not asking for a research paper. We are looking for a customized document that explains how your research could help influence or contribute to policy changes.
Size 1 MB Max
Max duration of video is 45 seconds. File Size should be maximum 30 MB
Yes, I agree to grant the Government of Uttar Pradesh a non-exclusive, perpetual license to use, reproduce, modify, and incorporate my submitted policy gaps details or policy proposal into any future policy regulation or development, and I affirm that I have the right to share these materials without infringing upon any copyrights or intellectual property rights of others. I understand that my submission is voluntary, and I will not receive compensation for my contribution.